Friday, January 2, 2009

Ahoy 2009

Happy New Year!!
Heres to new beginnings and new journeys 
New adventures and new experiences 
New friends and new memories 
New resolutions and new excuses
New realizations and new discoveries

Old buddies and mellow conversations
Lazy sundays and relaxed lunches
Old arguments and mature opinions
Familiar loves and tender looks
Same old cribs and brand new irks

Warm sunshine and fragrant breeze
Blissful mornings and calm nights
Colors of joy and the smell of books
Easy laughter and things unsaid 
Impulsive jigs and huge big hugs

Read in the paper the other day that they have kept a huge shredder at times square the last week of 2008 so people can shred the worst memories of the year gone by. Many people have been shredding huge placards or posters saying “stock markets”, many have been shredding photos of painful relationships and still others their bank statements. 

Interesting idea. Very therapeutic, I am sure, because this shredding will be like  a mini ritual to purge your life and mind of pain and strife and tribulations and move on with renewed vigor, grace and fortitude.   

So if you had a personal shredder and a personal treasure box for 2008, what would you put in each? 
For me, into the shredder would go: 
mmmm..well, actually nothing!! Its been a good year, personally.:-)     

And into the treasure box, 
My Pondicherry vacation I stayed at an amazing heritage hotel. Will post pictures soon.
My Goa vacation! Was too busy para sailing and banana boating to think of pictures
The wedding in the family. Yes, all heady 15 days of it 
The amazing dum aloo I was able to cook while on line with mum on the phone. So there, now my recipe book consists of alu parathas, chhole, rajma, baingan bharta and dum aloo. Maybe this year I will finally learn how to make dal :-D        

Happy New Year!!


vicjamin said...

gr8 blog...keep it up..i always know that U write so gud... happy new year..

Shalini said...

Happy New year!
Will look forward to the pictures... heritage hotel and dum aaloo... both are worth the wait...