Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breaking Free

I have broken free. Finally. Of wanting to seek approval all the time for all of the things I do. Of wanting to check everything with him and her and the other to see if I was thinking the "right way" if the option I was considering was "right" if the way I was treading on was "okay" and "safe", if it sounded "all right"…

I have broken free of this dependence on other people's opinion, with an implicit expectation of their their consideration, support and guidance …and in the process, I believe I have set a lot of people free of having to play my guardian!


It feels good. It feels scary. It feels reckless. Now all my decisions are my own. All my rights are right for me and all my mistakes are mine alone.

 I have let go of the self pity crutch of hindsight and thinking no one guided me or told me any better.


Here's to making more mistakes, and more intuitive right choices. Here's to living my life my own way. With my decisions all mine. Right or wrong.

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