Friday, January 21, 2011

2011 is going to be a year of transformation

Here are the things I will work at this year. 


My Location


Both physically and figuratively, I will change my "location".
I will move from being a jaded/ struggling/ lonely and wistful "oldie", to becoming enthusiastic, adventurous, optimistic and free.
I will release myself from the voices that shape and contol me, and move to listening to my self and staying authentic.
I will give benefit of doubt to people, and take away expectations from them. I will love and live freely and abundantly. I will attract friendship and love and good times.
I will not let procrastination and laziness deprive me of moments, and pleasures.
I will not let my scarcity awareness overrule me. I will utilize and enjoy what I mean to.

 I will start on a new note and a clean slate. I will be fun and feisty and disciplined.


My Personality


I will not let drinking or smoking define me or anyone else…either way:-D

I will be more open, and forthcoming.

I will not say No to adventure; and learn to say No to people, so I don't resent them later.

I will not Judge people.

I will not define boundaries for myself.

I will give space, and not expect much. I will just enjoy friendships, not burden friends.

I will live and love and stay in the "NOW" ; and not let vague visions of future worry me. My life is not a book that has to be perfect. I want to live and enjoy and learn and experience.

I will not be ashamed of who/ what I am and make excuses.

I will allow myself to be Vulnerable. Its okay to be susceptible, but not gullible. I am stupidly naïve about certain things, and that's who I am.

I will stop struggling to "become" this or that or like him or her. I will start living as me.

I will learn from friends and their experiences. Enough lives have proved that miracles happen and prayers are answered and you cant plan anything.

I will discipline myself to prioritise  my spiritual practices by making them a ritual. It is a very peace inducing and nurturing habit. I will chant, do yoga, and jalao my deeya each day.

I will read more. Travel more. Invest in experiences.

I will be careful about money. Prudent.


My Status


I will not be desperate and codependent anymore. I will not be self conscious. I will give up time  and age awareness.

I will attract love. I will attract care and concern. I will attract a partner. I will be part of a couple, without making the other responsible for my well being. I am responsible for my own happiness, and willing to co create and share.
I will hope, and look forward and not become cynical.